HNEI Publishes 1st Public Battery Relaxation Dataset hneieditor January 2, 2024

HNEI Publishes 1st Public Battery Relaxation Dataset

HNEI Associate Researcher Matthieu Dubarry and his team recently published the first publicly available commercial Li-ion battery relaxation dataset. This study investigated the voltage relaxation behavior of commercial lithium-ion batteries, focusing on the impact of depth of discharge, rate, and temperature to gain a better understanding of relaxation and to improve state-of-charge estimation. Most of the data are gathered using a unique protocol derived from intermittent titration techniques with an emphasis on ensuring that every rest is independent of the previous one. The findings demonstrated that relaxation behavior and open-circuit voltage settling times are influenced by depth of discharge, rate, current flow direction, and cell chemistry. In addition, the obtained dataset is used to test the validity of relaxation models to showcase the benefits of having a benchmark relaxation dataset available for validation
of future open-circuit voltage forecasting studies.

The data is detailed in the open access article: “Benchmark dataset for the study of the relaxation of commercial NMC-811 and LFP cells” in the Cell Reports Physical Science journal and is available at This research was done in collaboration with ACCURE Battery Intelligence and is a part of HNEI’s Battery Intelligence: Diagnosis & Prognosis project performed in the PakaLi Battery Laboratory.