Patrick K. Takahashi hneiadmin May 13, 2013

Patrick K. Takahashi

Emeritus Director
Blue Revolution

Patrick Takahashi (PhD, Biochemical Engineering, Louisiana State University) has more than half a century of experience in renewable energy, including biomass, hydrogen, biofuels, wind energy, solar and oceanic.

He initially joined the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa in 1972 into the College of Engineering, where he became a full professor in 1982. Prior to that, he was the geothermal reservoir engineer for the Hawai‘i Geothermal Project and spent summer assignments at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on laser fusion and NASA Ames Research Center on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Beginning in 1979, he worked in the U.S. Senate, returning to Mānoa in 1982. He helped write the original legislation for wind power, ocean energy, and hydrogen.

He became the director of the Hawai‘i Natural Energy and the Environmental Center in 1984, and helped bring to the campus national centers in hydrogen, marine resources, and marine bioproducts. He co-found the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research in the mid-80’s, a technology transfer organization which focused on ocean thermal energy conversion and methanol from biomass.  His current passion is the Blue Revolution.

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