Key Technical Reports
- HNEI Indoor Air Quality Study: Analytical Summary, MKThink and Roundhouse One, October 2023
- Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Heat Exchanger Development (2022-2023), Makai Ocean Engineering, June 2023
Peer-Reviewed Papers
- 2025, J. Qi, Y. Zhai, K. Bethune, J. St-Pierre, Vanadium carbide nanoflakes as catalysts for V3+/V2+ redox reactions, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 511, Paper 145399.
- 2024, N. Costa, D. Anseán, M. Dubarry, L. Sánchez, ICFormer: A Deep Learning model for informed lithium-ion battery diagnosis and early knee detection, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 592, Paper 233910. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2024, A. Fernando, M. Kuipers, G. Angenendt, K-P. Kairies, M. Dubarry, Benchmark dataset for the study of the relaxation of commercial NMC-811 and LFP cells, Cell Reports Physical Science. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, T. Reshetenko, A. Kulikovsky, A quasi three–dimensional model for PEM fuel cell impedance: The effect of local oxygen depletion under the flow field rib, Materials Research Express, Vol. 10, Issue 11, Paper 115504. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, R.L. Johnson, K. Castillo, C. Castillo, Q-V. Bach, C. Hihara, L. Wang, Ø. Skreiberg, S.Q. Turn, Biocarbon Production via Plasticized Biochar: Roles of Feedstock, Water Content, Catalysts, and Reaction Time, Energy Fuels, Vol. 37, Issue 20, pp. 15808-15821.
- 2023, M. Dubarry, F. Yasir, N. Costa, D. Matthews, Data-Driven Diagnosis of PV-Connected Batteries: Analysis of Two Years of Observed Irradiance, Batteries, Vol. 9, Issue 8, Paper 395. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, M. Dubarry, V. Agrawal, M. Hüske, M. Kuipers, Accurate LLI and LAMPE Estimation Using the Mechanistic Modeling Approach with Layered Oxides, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 170, Paper 070503. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, M. Dubarry, D. Howey, B. Wu, Enabling battery digital twins at the industrial scale, Joule, Vol. 7, Issue 6, pp. 1134-1144. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, M. Dubarry, N. Costa, D. Matthews, Data-driven direct diagnosis of Li-ion batteries connected to photovoltaics, Nature Communications, Vol. 14, Paper 3138. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, N.H. Nguyen, Q.T. Tran, T.V. Nguyen, N. Tran, L. Roose, S. Sepasi, M. Luisa Di Silvestre, A Method for Assessing the Feasibility of Integrating Planned Unidirectional EV Chargers into the Distribution Grid: A Case Study in Danang, Vietnam, Energies, Vol. 16, Issue 9, Paper 3741. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, Q.T. Tran, L. Roose, C. Vichitpunt, K. Thongmai, K. Noisopa, A Comprehensive Model to Estimate Electric Vehicle Battery’s State of Charge for a Pre-Scheduled Trip Based on Energy Consumption Estimation, Clean Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 25-37. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, N. Costa, L. Sánchez, D. Anseán, M. Dubarry, Li-ion battery degradation modes diagnosis via Convolutional Neural Networks, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 55, Part C, Paper 105558. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Anseán, Best practices for incremental capacity analysis, Frontiers in Energy Research, Vol. 10, Paper 1023555. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, L. Ward, S. Babinec, E.J. Dufek, D.A. Howey, V. Viswanathan, M. Aykol, D.A.C. Beck, B. Blaiszik, B-R. Chen, G. Crabtree, S. Clark, V. De Angelis, P. Dechent, M. Dubarry, E.E. Eggleton, D.P. Finegan, I. Foster, C. Balaji Gopal, P.K. Herring, V.W. Hu, N.H. Paulson, Y. Preger, D. Uwe-Sauer, K. Smith, S.W. Snyder, S. Sripad, T.R. Tanim, L. Teo, Principles of the Battery Data Genome, Joule, Vol. 6, Issue 10, pp. 2253-2271. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, T. Reshetenko, M. Odgaard, G. Randolf, K.K. Ohtaki, J.P. Bradley, B. Zulevi, X. Lyu, D.A. Cullen, C.J. Jafta, A. Serov, A. Kulikovsky, Design of PGM-free cathodic catalyst layers for advanced PEM fuel cells, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Vol. 312, Paper 121424.
- 2022, Q.T. Tran, L. Roose, B. Doan Van, Q.N. Nguyen, A Low-Cost Online Health Assessment System for Oil-Immersed Service Transformers Using Real-Time Grid Energy Monitoring, Energies, Vol. 15, Issue 16, Paper 5932. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Perspective on Mechanistic Modeling of Li-Ion Batteries, Accounts of Materials Research, Vol. 3, Issue 8, pp. 843-853.
- 2021, T. Reshetenko, A. Kulikovsky, Understanding the distribution of relaxation times of a low–Pt PEM fuel cell, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 391, Paper 138954.
- 2021, M. Dubarry, M. Tun, G. Baure, M. Matsuura, R.E. Rocheleau, Battery Durability and Reliability under Electric Utility Grid Operations: Analysis of On-Site Reference Tests, Electronics, Vol. 10, Issue 13, Paper 1593. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, D. Beck, P. Dechent, M. Junker, D.U. Sauer, M. Dubarry, Inhomogeneities and Cell-to-Cell Variations in Lithium-Ion Batteries, a Review, Energies, Vol. 14, Issue 11, Paper 3276. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, T.V. Reshetenko, B.L. Ben, Exploration of operating conditions on oxygen mass transport resistance and performance of PEM fuel cells: Effects of inlet gas humidification, Electrochemical Science Advances, e2100134. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, T. Reshetenko, O. Polevaya, Determination of oxygen mass transport resistance in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with an open flow field architecture, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 387, Paper 138529.
- 2021, T. Reshetenko, B.L. Ben, Spatial performance of high- and low-Pt loaded proton exchange membrane fuel cells under cathode exposure to nitrogen dioxide, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 492, Paper 229657.
- 2021, W. Septina, C.P. Muzzillo, C.L. Perkins, A.C. Giovanelli, T. West, K.K. Ohtaki, H.A. Ishii, J.P. Bradley, K. Zhu, N. Gaillard, In situ Al2O3 incorporation enhances the efficiency of CuIn(S,Se)2 solar cells prepared from molecular-ink solutions, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 9, Issue 16, pp. 10419-10426.
- 2021, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Analysis of Synthetic Voltage vs. Capacity Datasets for Big Data Li-ion Diagnosis and Prognosis, Energies, Vol. 14, Issue 9, Paper 2371. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, T. Reshetenko, B.L. Ben, Impact of a gas diffusion layer’s structural and textural properties on oxygen mass transport resistance in the cathode and performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 371, Paper 137752.
- 2020, T. Reshetenko, A. Kulikovsky, Distribution of Relaxation Times: A Tool for Measuring Oxygen Transport Resistivity of a Low–Pt PEM Fuel Cell Cathode, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 167, Issue 14, Paper 144505. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, T. Reshetenko, A. Serov, M. Odgaard, G. Randolf, L. Osmierie, A. Kulikovsky, Electron and proton conductivity of Fe-N-C cathodes for PEM fuel cells: A model-based electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurement, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol. 118, Paper 106795. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, A. Headley, G. Randolf, M. Virji, M. Ewan, Valuation and cost reduction of behind-the-meter hydrogen production in Hawai‘i, MRS Energy & Sustainability, Vol. 7, Paper E26. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, T. Reshetenko, V. Laue, U. Krewer, K. Artyushkova, Study of degradation and spatial performance of low Pt-loaded proton exchange membrane fuel cells under exposure to sulfur dioxide in an oxidant stream, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 458, Paper 228032.
- 2020, M. Virji, G. Randolf, M. Ewan, R. Rocheleau, Analyses of hydrogen energy system as a grid management tool for the Hawaiian Isles, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 45, Issue 15, pp. 8052-8066.
- 2020, T. Reshetenko, G. Randolf, M. Odgaard, B. Zulevi, A. Serov, A. Kulikovsky, The Effect of Proton Conductivity of Fe–N–C–Based Cathode on PEM Fuel cell Performance, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 167, Issue 8, Paper 084501. (Open Access: PDF)
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
- 2021, T.V. Reshetenko, O. Polevaya, Comprehensive Evaluation of Mass Transport Resistance in Pemfcs with Open Flow Field and Land/Channel Architectures, Presented at the ECS 2021-02 Meeting, Held virtually, October 10-14, Abstract 1079.
- 2020, T.V. Reshetenko, G. Randolf, M. Odgaard, B. Zulevi, A. Serov, A. Kulikovsky, Effect of Cathode Proton Conductivity on PGM-free PEM Fuel Cell Performance, Presented at the ECS MA2020-02 Meeting, Held virtually, October 4-9, Abstract 2686.
- 2020, Y. Zhai, J. St-Pierre, Acetonitrile Contamination and Recovery of PEMFCs, Presented at the ECS MA2020-02 Meeting, Held virtually, October 4-9, Abstract 2194.
- 2020, T.V. Reshetenko, B.L. Ben, Interplay between PEMFC Performance, Gas Diffusion Electrode Structure and Mass Transport Properties, Presented at the ECS 2020-02 Meeting, Held virtually, October 4-9, Abstract 2148.
Student Theses
- 2024, C.J.A. Castillo, Factorial Investigation of Pressurized Slow Pyrolysis for Carbonization of Solid Waste, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, K.A.A. Castillo, An Experimental Investigation of Transient Plastic Phase Biochar: Reactor Conditions and Biochar Properties, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, A. Fernando, Voltage Response Insights into Lithium-Ion Battery Diagnostic Techniques, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, J. Morton, Survey of Different Prussian Blue Analogues for Desalination Batteries, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, E. Bruffey III, Fabrication and performance testing of a forward osmosis water purification system and synthesis of boron containing nano-materials, Masters of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.