Principal Investigator: Matthieu Dubarry
News Announcements
January 2, 2024 HNEI Publishes 1st Public Battery Relaxation Dataset
October 24, 2022 HNEI Joins The Battery Data Genome Project
December 15, 2021 HNEI’s Battery Work Highlighted at the UH Innovation Virtual Conference
January 2, 2024 HNEI Publishes 1st Public Battery Relaxation Dataset
October 24, 2022 HNEI Joins The Battery Data Genome Project
PakaLi Battery Laboratory
Main Areas of Research:
- Testing of batteries under representative conditions to assess durability in the field,
- Battery diagnosis and prognosis using non-invasive and deployable techniques,
- Battery packs modeling taking into consideration cell-to-cell variations and inhomogeneities,
- Deployed systems state of charge and state of health monitoring,
- Battery prototyping and electrode formulation optimization,
- Transfer of knowledge from laboratory to real-life applications to facilitate battery engineering, cost estimate, control strategy, and decisions.
‘Alawa Toolbox:
‘Alawa toolbox is a unique toolbox devoted to battery degradation diagnosis and prognosis. The toolbox enables the emulation of the impact of all degradation modes (loss of ion inventory, loss of active material, and kinetic hindrance) on single phased and blended electrodes.
The toolbox is available for free for academic applications and licensing is available for other uses. The toolbox is available in Matlab© and Python. Please visit the ‘Alawa Overview page for more information.

Partnerships and Funding:
PBL has been a partner with various research institutions in government, industry, and academia, in the U.S. and abroad. Current funding sources include the Office of Naval Research, the Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation, SAFT Batteries (France), Element Energy, ACCURE battery intelligence (Germany), the Defence Science and Technology Group (Australia), and Trevi Systems. Previous funding included the U.S. DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (through the Idaho National Laboratory), the Department of Transportation (via the Electric Vehicle Transportation Center), the Air Force Research Laboratory (through the Hawai‘i Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies), and the Hawai‘i Renewable Energy Development Venture funds.

Present and Past Collaborations (in alphabetical order):

PBL is well equipped for electrode preparation and assembly for different types of half-cells (coin cells, swageloks, PAT-cells) with 30 independent channels for testing. For larger full cells, the laboratory has more than 80 channels available with temperature chambers and state-of-the art safety procedures. Material characterization including x-ray diffraction as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy, will be done in collaboration with the UHM Material Science Consortium for Research and Education.
Battery Testers
- ARBIN BT-5HC 40 channels 5V 25A
- ARBIN BT-5HC 20 channels 5V 100A
- ARBIN BT-5HC 2 channels 60V 100A
- Biologic BCS-815 24 channels 5V 15A
- Biologic VMP3 16 channels 12V 0.4A
- MACCOR 4300 4 channels 2x 5V, 2x 15V 2x 5A, 2 x 25A
Glove Box
- VAC NX1-100300-0123
Temperature Chambers
- AMEREX IC500-R -5°C-65°C, 17.7 cu ft
- AMEREX IC500-R -5°C-65°C, 17.7 cu ft
- AMEREX IC500-R -5°C-65°C, 17.7 cu ft
- AMEREX IC150-R -5°C-65°C, 5.3 cu ft
- AMEREX IC80 25°C-65°C, 2.8 cu ft
- AMEREX IC80 25°C-65°C, 2.8 cu ft
- ESTEC BTZ475 -70 to 180°C, 4 cu ft
- Sanyo MIR253 25°C-65°C, 8 cu ft
- AES LHE-6 -20°C to +94°C, 5 cu ft
- CSZ MCB 1.2-.33-.33 H/AC -70°+190°C, 1.2 cu ft
- CSZ MCB 1.2-.33-.33 H/AC -70°+190°C, 1.2 cu ft
Staff and Past Staff (*):
- Armida Bahrami
- George Baure, Jr.*
- David Beck
- Arnaud Devie*
- Victor Evrard*
- Alexa Fernando
- Jacob Morton*
- Nihat Sahin*
- Fahim Yasir
Current Projects
- Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) – Battery Durability & Reliability
Understand the degradation of batteries in grid deployed systems, which will inform best practices to improve durability and safety of large batteries deployed on the electric grid. (ONR) - Path Dependence of Battery Degradation
Characterize the impact of different stresses on the durability of Li-ion batteries using large experimental campaigns and design of experiments. (DOT, ONR, DSTG) - Battery Intelligence: Diagnosis and Prognosis
Alawa Framework for the development of approaches, tools, and protocols to improve batteries diagnosis and prognosis via non-invasive in-operando techniques. (ONR, SAFT, Element Energy, ACCURE) - Battery Electrode Optimization
Optimization of battery electrodes to improve performance by tuning architecture. (ONR, DOI, Trevi Systems, University of Montreal, University of Nantes, ARL, SANDIA)
Past Projects
- Evaluation of Commercial Li-ion Cells Based on Composite Electrode for Plug-In Electric Vehicles (2008-2013)
Degradation assessment of commercial blended Li-ion batteries for plug-in electric vehicle applications at different temperatures using non-invasive characterizations. (DOE, Idaho National Laboratory) - Support of HCATT’s Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Demonstration Program (2000-2011)
Development of a sophisticated database and graphical user interface (GUI) to allow data collection and fuzzy logic based analysis of a fleet of electric vehicles during operation. (HCATT)
Key Publications
- 2024, A. Fernando, M. Kuipers, G. Angenendt, K-P. Kairies, M. Dubarry, Benchmark dataset for the study of the relaxation of commercial NMC-811 and LFP cells, Cell Reports Physical Science. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, M. Dubarry, N. Costa, D. Matthews, Data-driven direct diagnosis of Li-ion batteries connected to photovoltaics, Nature Communications, Vol. 14, Paper 3138. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Big data training data for artificial intelligence-based Li-ion diagnosis and prognosis, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 479, Paper 228806.
- 2020, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, Perspective on Commercial Li-ion Battery Testing, Best Practices for Simple and Effective Protocols, Electronics, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Paper 152. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, A. Barai, K. Uddin, M. Dubarry, L. Somerville, A. McGordon, P. Jennings, I. Bloom, A comparison of methodologies for the non-invasive characterisation of commercial Li-ion cells, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 72, pp. 1-32. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, C. Pastor-Fernández, T.F. Yu, W.D. Widanage, J. Marco, Battery energy storage system modeling: A combined comprehensive approach, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 21, pp. 172-185. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2018, K. Uddin, M. Dubarry, M.B. Glick, The viability of vehicle-to-grid operations from a battery technology and policy perspective, Energy Policy, Vol. 113, pp. 342-347. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2017, M. Dubarry, A. Devie, K. Stein, M. Tun, M. Matsuura, R. Rocheleau, Battery Energy Storage System battery durability and reliability under electric utility grid operations: Analysis of 3 years of real usage, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 338, pp. 65-73.
- 2017, M. Dubarry, M. Berecibar, A. Devie, D. Ansean, N. Omar, I. Villarreal, State of Health Battery Estimator Enabling Degradation Diagnosis: Model and Algorithm Description, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 360, pp. 59-69.
- 2012, M. Dubarry, C. Truchot, B.Y. Liaw, Synthesize battery degradation modes via a diagnostic and prognostic model, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 219, pp. 204-216.
ACCURE Battery Intelligence:
Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries
UH Research:
Blending of Culture and Science
Supergen Energy Networks Hub:
Li-ion Battery diagnosis and prognosis
ThinkTech Hawai‘i:
Lithium Battery Deep Dive
ThinkTech Hawai‘i:
Electric Vehicle Batteries
ThinkTech Hawai‘i:
Market Gaps in Battery Technology