RPS Road-Map: Modeling and Assessment hnei January 23, 2014

RPS Road-Map: Modeling and Assessment

HNEI has contracted with GE Energy Consulting  to evaluate and assess the likelihood of compliance with State Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) requirements by modeling costs, economics and technical implications of various renewable energy penetration scenarios, including comparing the value of grid-tied and generation-tied undersea island interconnections with island independent systems.  Future tasks will include the impacts of using liquid natural gas for electricity generation, modified utility operating practices and reserve requirements, and the use of ancillary services such as demand response and battery energy storage systems.

GE Energy Consulting gave a presentation of its initial analyses under Task 1 of the Hawai’i RPS Road-map Study on January 9, 2014 at the Hawai’i State Capitol.

For further information, contact John Cole.