Jinxia Fu hneiadmin May 19, 2013

Jinxia Fu

Assistant Researcher
Evaluation of 2nd Generation Fuels

Dr. Jinxia Fu received her B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry from Tongji University, Shanghai, China in 2007 and her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Brown University, Providence, RI in 2013.  She joined Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in 2012 working with Dr. Scott Q Turn, and became an Assistant Researcher in 2014. 

Dr. Fu’s previous research has focused on understanding the chemistry, thermodynamics, surface behavior, microstructure, and fate and transport of polycyclic aromatic compounds and brominated flame retardants.  Her current interest are in the second generation renewable biofuels including investigating the influence of blending, long-term storage and oxidation on fuel performance and developing “green” additives for biofuels from biomass to propel the overall replacement of fossil fuels with renewable biofuels.

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