Krishnakumar Rajagopalan
Assistant Researcher
Numerical Modeler, Wave Energy
Krishnakumar Rajagopalan (PhD in Ocean Engineering, University of Hawai‘i) joined the Wave Energy Test Site (WETS) group as a numerical modeler in 2016.
Since then, Krishnakumar has focused on modeling of Wave Energy Converters (WEC) using a wide range of simple and high fidelity codes such as AQWA, WEC-Sim, OpenFOAM and Flow3D. The modeling tasks, which are basically fluid structure interaction problems, enable independent assessment of power performance and mooring of WECs and enhance the R&D capabilities of the group as a whole. These capabilities have also been leveraged for generating additional funding for the WETS group. Additionally, he has a role in the management of all aspects of engineering oversight at WETS with emphasis on mooring analysis which is a critical aspect of WEC device testing at WETS.
Prior to joining HNEI, Krishnakumar worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Hawai‘i’s Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering where he modeled ocean general circulation using MITgcm and developed a numerical wave tank using OpenFOAM. He also has experience with physical modeling which he acquired while employed as research staff in a wave basin.
- Phone: (808) 956-0718
- Fax: (808) 956-2336
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- Office: HIG 418
- CV Link (PDF)