Krishnakumar Rajagopalan hneieditor January 20, 2016

Krishnakumar Rajagopalan

Assistant Researcher
Numerical Modeler, Wave Energy

Krishnakumar Rajagopalan (PhD in Ocean Engineering, University of Hawai‘i) joined the Wave Energy Test Site (WETS) group as a numerical modeler in 2016. 

Since then, Krishnakumar has focused on modeling of Wave Energy Converters (WEC) using a wide range of simple and high fidelity codes such as AQWA, WEC-Sim, OpenFOAM and Flow3D.  The modeling tasks, which are basically fluid structure interaction problems, enable independent assessment of power performance and mooring of WECs and enhance the R&D capabilities of the group as a whole.  These capabilities have also been leveraged for generating additional funding for the WETS group.  Additionally, he has a role in the management of all aspects of engineering oversight at WETS with emphasis on mooring analysis which is a critical aspect of WEC device testing at WETS. 

Prior to joining HNEI, Krishnakumar worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Hawai‘i’s Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering where he modeled ocean general circulation using MITgcm and developed a numerical wave tank using OpenFOAM.  He also has experience with physical modeling which he acquired while employed as research staff in a wave basin.