HNEI Energy Research at Kawaikini School on Kaua‘i hneieditor May 12, 2013

HNEI Energy Research at Kawaikini School on Kaua‘i

In traditional Hawaiian blessing ceremony, the Kawaikini New Century Public Charter School in Lihue, Kaua‘i, unveiled two new energy efficient classrooms that will anchor the planned expansion of the Hawaiian immersion school.  Students there will now have the unique opportunity to study and experience classrooms that are research and learning platforms.  Two state-of-the-art structures were installed at the school to measure and test the effectiveness of innovative energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies and to compare against similar facilities in different environments, including one at ‘Ilima Intermediate in ‘Ewa Beach, O‘ahu.   The pre-engineered test platforms were created by California-based Project Frog, Inc. which provides innovative, high-tech component buildings that assemble on site for a greener building with a lower environmental footprint than conventional structures.  At the Kawaikini site, HNEI will also compare the performance of two different photovoltaic and inverter systems.

HNEI’s research is aimed at advancing the science and technology behind new construction throughout the Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific region.

Download the press release
The HNEI contact for these efforts is Jim Maskrey.  

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