HNEI Partners with HIDOE to Create Thermal Comfort Portal hneieditor January 26, 2018

HNEI Partners with HIDOE to Create Thermal Comfort Portal

The DOE Thermal Comfort Portal is a research tool developed for State of Hawai‘i Department of Education (HIDOE) to implement their heat abatement program: ( The Thermal Comfort Portal as a research resource for microclimatic data across Hawai‘i as well as specific building performance of the public schools.  In addition to providing data for current users, the intent is to broaden the program participants to include the sustainable design community, who can contribute to solutions but who are currently outside of the specific scope of HIDOE heat abatement program.  Under this project, the Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) is provide the HIDOE with the technical resources and expertise to support the delivery of energy and weather data that enables researchers, the community and design professionals to make data-driven decisions for designs and resource allocation.

This work and the portal allows HIDOE to 1) provide access to local weather data to help schools with short-term decisions related to weather, 2) provide community members access to data on local micro-climates at school campuses allowing for further study, 3) identify areas that have consistent heat issues for targeted thermal comfort improvements by providing relevant outdoor and indoor temperature readings, and 4) provide detailed information from classrooms that help architects and planners design heat abatement solutions to address the specific issues for particular buildings.

More Information:
› HNEI Project Page:
› Thermal Comfort Portal Website:
› UH News Press Release:
› HIDOE Press Release:

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