Hawai‘i Clean Energy Final PEIS Report hneieditor June 7, 2016

Hawai‘i Clean Energy Final PEIS Report

In July 2012, in coordination with the U.S. DOE and DBEDT, HNEI contracted New West Technologies to conduct a Programmatic Environmental Impact Study (PEIS) to analyze, at a programmatic level, the potential environmental impacts of clean energy activities and technologies in the following clean energy categories: (1) Energy Efficiency, (2) Distributed Renewables, (3) Utility-Scale Renewables, (4) Alternative Transportation Fuels and Modes, and (5) Electrical Transmission and Distribution (including undersea cables).

The PEIS provides federal and local agencies, policymakers, energy developers, and the public with information and guidance on adhering to all laws and permitting requirements, implementing well-planned best management practices and mitigation measures, and consideration of community and cultural concerns that can be used to make decisions about renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment.

The full report and related supplemental documents can be found on the Hawai‘i State Energy Office website at https://energy.hawaii.gov/peis-documents.