HNEI Research Presented at 2019 DOE Annual Merit Review hneieditor May 6, 2019

HNEI Research Presented at 2019 DOE Annual Merit Review

The U.S. Department of Energy held the 2019 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation meeting (AMR) for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program on April 29 – May 1, 2019.  Of the showcased hydrogen and fuel cell projects, HNEI Assistant Researchers, Dr. Nicolas Gaillard and Dr. Godwin Severa, each presented updates on their DOE-funded research projects and their presentation slides can be viewed below.

Dr. Gaillard reported on novel thin film solar absorbers with tunable catalytic properties and “energetics” for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production.  This project, performed in collaboration with partners at Stanford and UNLV and supported the U.S. Department of Energy, combines state-of-the-art synthesis processes, advanced analytical methods and theoretical modeling to accelerate the development of novel chalcopyrite materials (e.g., Cu(In,Al)Se2) as well as solid/solid and solid/liquid interfaces.

Dr. Severa reported a new process for synthesis of activated magnesium borides that can be hydrogenated to magnesium borohydride at significantly lower temperatures and pressures than previously reported.

› Dr. Gaillard: “Novel Chalcopyrites for Advanced Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting
› Dr. Severa: “Development of Magnesium Boride Etherates as Hydrogen Storage Materials