HNEI Awarded U.S. Department of Energy Contract hneieditor July 31, 2019

HNEI Awarded U.S. Department of Energy Contract

HNEI Assistant Researcher, Dr. Tatyana Reshetenko, has been awarded a 2-year contract from Pajarito Powder to characterize the performance and durability of a new generation of platinum-group metal (PGM) – free catalysts for fuel cells.  This effort is part of larger project “Active and Durable PGM-Free Cathodic Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cell Application” awarded to Pajarito Powder, HNEI, and IRD Fuel Cell by the U.S. Department of Energy supporting early-stage research and development of innovative hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The testing will be conducted at HNEI’s Hawaii Sustainable Energy Research Facility.

› U.S. DOE Press Release: