September 9, 2024 HNEI Faculty Seminars to be Held on Sept 23, 24, and 26HNEI will be holding three (3) seminars covering sustainable fuels, fuel cells, and grid integration. Each seminar will...By hneieditor
April 8, 2021 HNEI’s Environmental Sensor Array Awarded U.S. PatentDeveloped by HNEI researchers Mitch Ewan and Scott Higgins, a “smart” system called an Environmental Sensor Array enhances...By hneieditor
March 24, 2020 HNEI Fuel Cell Researcher A Guest Co-Editor of Special Issue of “Molecules”HNEI Researcher focusing on fuel cells, Jean St-Pierre, was recently a guest co-editor of a special issue of...By hneieditor
September 23, 2019 HiSERF Proton Electrolyzer Exceeds Manufacturer Stack Lifetime Estimates by Over 60%According to Keith Bethune, an Assistant Specialist at HNEI's Hawai‘i Sustainable Energy Research Facility (HiSERF) fuel cell laboratory,...By hneieditor
July 31, 2019 HNEI Awarded U.S. Department of Energy ContractHNEI Assistant Researcher, Dr. Tatyana Reshetenko, has been awarded a 2-year contract from Pajarito Powder to characterize the performance...By hneieditor
April 17, 2019 First Public Zero Emission Hydrogen Bus System Nearing CompletionHNEI is pleased to report that the first publicly operated Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) system in Hawai‘i, comprised...By hneieditor
April 30, 2017 HNEI Research Overview PostersTwo posters that overview HNEI's research efforts have been posted. HNEI's current and past projects are highlighted in...By hneieditor
February 3, 2017 HNEI’s HiSERF Featured in Springer Handbook of Electrochemical EnergyThe recently published Springer Handbook of Electrochemical Energy featured a chapter entitled “Modern Fuel Cell Testing Laboratory” based...By hneieditor
June 25, 2014 Hydrogen-Powered Buses Coming to Big IslandHawai‘i Island could be less than a year away from having some of the first hydrogen-powered buses in...By hnei
June 4, 2014 HNEI Fuel Cell Research Featured on ThinkTech Hawai‘iHNEI's fuel cell researcher Michael Angelo featured on ThinkTech Hawai‘i, The State of Energy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDoHLPgWbwo&feature=youtu.beBy hnei