HNEI’s HiSERF Featured in Springer Handbook of Electrochemical Energy hneieditor February 3, 2017

HNEI’s HiSERF Featured in Springer Handbook of Electrochemical Energy

The recently published Springer Handbook of Electrochemical Energy featured a chapter entitled “Modern Fuel Cell Testing Laboratory” based on HNEI’s Hawai‘i Sustainable Energy Research Facility.  The chapter describes the laboratory’s background and evolution, safety and test stations, fuel cell components  and assembly, and testing and diagnostic techniques.  Contributors included Jean St. Pierre, Michael Angelo, Keith Bethune, Jack Huizingh, Tatyana Reshetenko, Mebs Virji, and Yunfeng Zhai.

Google Books states that “this comprehensive handbook covers all fundamentals of electrochemistry for contemporary applications. It provides a rich presentation of related topics of electrochemistry with a clear focus on energy technologies. It covers all aspects of electrochemistry starting with theoretical concepts and basic laws of thermodynamics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and multiscale modeling. It further gathers the basic experimental methods such as potentiometry, reference electrodes, ion-sensitive electrodes, voltammetry and amperometry. The contents cover subjects related to mass transport, the electric double layer, ohmic losses and experimentation affecting electrochemical reactions. These aspects of electrochemistry are especially examined in view of specific energy technologies including batteries, polymer electrolyte and biological fuel cells, electrochemical capacitors, electrochemical hydrogen production and photoelectrochemistry.”

The handbook is available at