The Hawai’i Natural Energy Institute’s (HNEI) Grid System Technologies Advanced Research Team (GridSTART) has successfully installed and commissioned bidirectional electric vehicle (EV) chargers as part of a demonstration project aimed at managing the operation of shared fleet EVs, utilizing an HNEI-developed autonomous control system. This groundbreaking project represents the first Standard Interconnection Agreement (SIA) with Hawaiian Electric on O‘ahu whereby EVs are able to not only be charged from the power grid, but also to discharge energy to the grid when needed.
The two chargers – provided by GridSTART’s strategic industry partner IKS Japan – have the capability of serving as energy hub inverters integrating EVs, solar photovoltaics and battery systems, and will be used to charge a pair of Nissan LEAF EVs (furnished in part by Hitachi) at two designated parking stalls on the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UH) campus. The algorithm developed by HNEI for the autonomous control system has the ability to optimize charging times based on EV users’ needs and electric rates at different times of the day, in order to maximize vehicle availability while minimizing electricity costs.
Project experience and results will inform UH’s consideration of options such as the electrification of fleet vehicles, advanced car share applications, integration of on-campus distributed renewable energy resources, and the optimal management of campus energy use and cost containment.
› Project Overview:
› Project Poster: