Key Technical Reports
- Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Heat Exchanger Development: 2020-2021, Makai Ocean Engineering, August 2021
- Nanogrid System Resilience for Ka Honua Momona, June 2022
- Adaptive, Sensor-Based Lighting for Security Applications: Exploring Emerging Design Strategies, UC Davis California Lighting Technology Center & HNEI, November 2021
Peer-Reviewed Papers
- 2022, J. St-Pierre, Perspective—Oxygen-Based Fuel Cell and Reversible Systems for Heavy-Duty Motive and Stationary Applications, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 169, Issue 4, Paper 044506.
- 2022, C.W.W. Counsell, R.R. Coleman, S.S. Lal, B.W. Bowen, E.C. Franklin, A.B. Neuheimer, B.S. Powell, R.J. Toonen, M.J. Donahue, M.A. Hixon, M.A. McManus, Interdisciplinary analysis of larval dispersal for a coral reef fish: opening the black box, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 684, pp. 117-132. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, G. Severa, E. Bruffey, P.Q.H. Nguyen, A. Gigante, N. Leick, C. Kelly, G.J. Finkelstein, H. Hagemann, T. Gennett, R.E. Rocheleau, P. Dera, Fe4(OAc)10[EMIM]2: Novel Iron-Based Acetate EMIM Ionic Compound, ACS Omega, Vol. 6, Issue 47, pp. 31907-31918. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, T.V. Reshetenko, B.L. Ben, Exploration of operating conditions on oxygen mass transport resistance and performance of PEM fuel cells: Effects of inlet gas humidification, Electrochemical Science Advances, e2100134. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, M. Dubarry, M. Tun, G. Baure, M. Matsuura, R.E. Rocheleau, Battery Durability and Reliability under Electric Utility Grid Operations: Analysis of On-Site Reference Tests, Electronics, Vol. 10, Issue 13, Paper 1593. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, K.A. McKenzie, Sun, Wind and Waves: EV Fossil Fuel Use and Emissions on an Isolated, Oil-Dependent Hawaiian Island, World Electric Vehicle Journal, Vol. 12, Issue 2, Paper 87. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, K. Sabate, S. Masutani, B. Yoza, Microbiological degradation of macroalgae waste and its potential considerations for agricultural applications, Journal of Applied Phycology, Vol. 33, pp. 2645-2654.
- 2020, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, D. Ansean, Perspective on State-of-Health Determination in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Vol. 17, Issue 4, Paper 041101. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, A. Headley, G. Randolf, M. Virji, M. Ewan, Valuation and cost reduction of behind-the-meter hydrogen production in Hawai‘i, MRS Energy & Sustainability, Vol. 7, Paper E26. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, T. Uchida, I. Nagamine, I. Yabe, T. Fukumaki, A. Oyama, B. Yoza, N. Tenma, S.M. Masutani, Dissolution Process Observation of Methane Bubbles in the Deep Ocean Simulator Facility, Energies, Vol. 13, Issue 15, Paper 3938. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, P. Dera, E. Bruffey III, G.J. Finkelstein, C. Kelly, A. Gigante, H. Hagemann, G. Severa, Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structures of Two New Manganese Aceto EMIM Ionic Compounds with Chains of Mn2+ Ions Coordinated Exclusively by Acetate, ACS Omega, Vol. 5, Issue 25, pp. 15592-15600. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, G. Baure, M. Dubarry, Battery durability and reliability under electric utility grid operations: 20-year forecast under different grid applications, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 29, Paper 101391.
- 2020, D. Anseán, G. Baure, M. González, I. Cameán, A.B. García, M. Dubarry, Mechanistic investigation of silicon-graphite/LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 commercial cells for non-intrusive diagnosis and prognosis, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 459, Paper 227882.
- 2020, G. Baure, M. Dubarry, Durability and Reliability of EV Batteries under Electric Utility Grid Operations: Impact of Frequency Regulation Usage on Cell Degradation, Energies, Vol. 13, Issue 10, Paper 2494. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, Y. Garsany, C.H. Bancroft, R.W. Atkinson III, K. Bethune, B.D. Gould, K.E. Swider-Lyons, Effect of GDM Pairing on PEMFC Performance in Flow-Through and Dead-Ended Anode Mode, Molecules, Vol. 25, Issue 6, Paper 1469. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, M. Virji, G. Randolf, M. Ewan, R. Rocheleau, Analyses of hydrogen energy system as a grid management tool for the Hawaiian Isles, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 45, Issue 15, pp. 8052-8066.
- 2020, J. St-Pierre, Y. Zhai, Impact of the Cathode Pt Loading on PEMFC Contamination by Several Airborne Contaminants, Molecules, Vol. 25, Issue 5, Paper 1060. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, S. Schindler, G. Baure, M.A. Danzer, M. Dubarry, Kinetics accommodation in Li-ion mechanistic modeling, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 440, Paper 227117.
- 2019, G. Baure, A. Devie, M. Dubarry, Battery Durability and Reliability under Electric Utility Grid Operations: Path Dependence of Battery Degradation, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 166, Issue 10, pp. A1991-A2001. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, M. Dubarry, C. Pastor-Fernández, G. Baure, T.F. Yu, W.D. Widanage, J. Marco, Battery energy storage system modeling: Investigation of intrinsic cell-to-cell variations, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 23, pp. 19-28. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, G. Baure, M. Dubarry, Synthetic vs. Real Driving Cycles: A Comparison of Electric Vehicle Battery Degradation, Batteries, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Paper 42. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, A. Barai, K. Uddin, M. Dubarry, L. Somerville, A. McGordon, P. Jennings, I. Bloom, A comparison of methodologies for the non-invasive characterisation of commercial Li-ion cells, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 72, pp. 1-31. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, C. Pastor-Fernández, T.F. Yu, W.D. Widanage, J. Marco, Battery energy storage system modeling: A combined comprehensive approach, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 21, pp. 172-185. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2018, M. Dubarry, Q. Nan, P. Brooker, Calendar aging of commercial Li-ion cells of different chemistries – A review, Vol. 9, pp. 106-113.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
- 2021, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, Battery Durability and Reliability under Electric Utility Grid Operations, Presented at the International Battery Seminar & Exhibit, March 9-11.
- 2021, M. Dubarry, Battery Durability and Reliability Under Electric Utility Grid Operations, Presented at the Alaska Energy Storage Workshop, January 12-13.
- 2020, L.V. Buehre, M. Suermann, R. Hanke-Rauschenbach, B. Bensmann, K. Bethune, J. St-Pierre, Development of an Oxygen Mass Transport Coefficient Measurement and Separation Method for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Proceeding of the ECS MA2020-02 Meeting, ECS Transactions, Vol. 98, Issue 9, pp. 153-162.
- 2020, G. Baure, D. Beck, M. Dubarry, Battery Durability and Reliability Under Electric Utility Grid Operations, Presented at the ECS PRiME Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, October 4-9.
- 2019, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, Synthetic vs. Real Driving Cycles: A Comparison of EV Battery Degradation, Presented at the 236th ECS Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, October 13-17.
- 2019, M. Dubarry, A. Devie, G. Baure, Battery Durability and Reliability Under Electric Utility Grid Operations, Presented at the International Battery Association Meeting, San Diego, California, March 3-8.
- 2019, G. Baure, M. Dubarry, Electric Vehicle Battery Degradation Under Electric Grid Operations: Vehicle to Grid Strategies, Poster presented at the International Battery Association, San Diego, California, March 7.
- 2019, G. Baure, M. Dubarry, A Diagnostic and Prognostic Study of the Impact of Electric Utility Grid Operations on EV Batteries, Presented at the International Coalition for Energy Storage and Innovation Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaiʻi, January 5–10.
Student Theses
- 2024, D. Beck, Synthetic Voltage Datasets for Artificial Intelligence-Based Li-Ion Diagnosis and Prognosis: Investigation of Three Different Blending Conditions, Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2024, C.J.A. Castillo, Factorial Investigation of Pressurized Slow Pyrolysis for Carbonization of Solid Waste, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, K.A.A. Castillo, An Experimental Investigation of Transient Plastic Phase Biochar: Reactor Conditions and Biochar Properties, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, E. Bruffey III, Fabrication and performance testing of a forward osmosis water purification system and synthesis of boron containing nano-materials, Masters of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.