Key Technical Reports
- APRISES 17 Hawai‘i Resilient Systems Projects, HNEI, 2020-2022
- Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Heat Exchanger Development: 2021-2022, Makai Ocean Engineering, August 2022
- The Impact of an On-Demand Thermostat on Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Levels in a Hawai‘i Classroom, HNEI & UH School of Architecture’s Environmental Research and Design Laboratory, March 2023
Book Chapters
- 2022, T. Reshetenko, A. Kulikovsky, Physics-based impedance spectroscopy characterization of operating PEM fuel cells, in T-H. Yan, S. Bashir, J. Liu (eds.) Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy, 2nd Edition, Elsevier Science, Chapter 4, pp. 111-157.
Peer-Reviewed Papers
- 2023, D.K. Matthews, Determination of broadband atmospheric turbidity from global irradiance or photovoltaic power data using deep neural nets, Energy and AI, Vol. 14, Paper 100252. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, J. Fu, P.K. Le, S.Q. Turn, Impacts of antioxidants on stability of biodiesel derived from waste frying oil, Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, Vol. 17, Issue 6, pp. 1496-1501.
- 2023, J. Fu, S. Weber, S.Q. Turn, Comprehensive Characterization of Kukui Nuts as Feedstock for Energy Production in Hawai‘i, ACS Omega, Vol. 8, Issue 25, pp. 22567-22574. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, R.L. Johnson, K. Castillo, C. Castillo, L. Wang, Ø. Skreiberg, S.Q. Turn, Use of Plasticized Biochar Intermediate for Producing Biocarbons with Improved Mechanical Properties, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue 15, pp. 5845-5857.
- 2023, T.V. Reshetenko, Impacts of operating conditions on the recovery of proton exchange membrane fuel cells exposed to sulfur dioxide in an air stream, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 559, Paper 232676.
- 2023, T. Reshetenko, A. Kulikovsky, Oxygen transport in the low–Pt catalyst layer of a PEM fuel cell: Impedance spectroscopy study, Materials Research Express, Vol. 10, Paper 015501. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2023, J. Fu, Dissolved water in jet fuels: a low-temperature quality and water solubility study, Fuel, Vol. 331, Part 2, Paper 125950. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, N. Costa, L. Sánchez, D. Anseán, M. Dubarry, Li-ion battery degradation modes diagnosis via Convolutional Neural Networks, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 55, Part C, Paper 105558. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, J. Sharma, X. Lyu, T. Reshetenko, G. Polizos, K. Livingston, J. Li, D.L. Wood III, A. Serov, Catalyst layer formulations for slot-die coating of PEM fuel cell electrodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 47, Issue 84, pp. 35838-35850.
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Anseán, Best practices for incremental capacity analysis, Frontiers in Energy Research, 10:1023555. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, L. Ward, S. Babinec, E.J. Dufek, D.A. Howey, V. Viswanathan, M. Aykol, D.A.C. Beck, B. Blaiszik, B-R. Chen, G. Crabtree, S. Clark, V. De Angelis, P. Dechent, M. Dubarry, E.E. Eggleton, D.P. Finegan, I. Foster, C. Balaji Gopal, P.K. Herring, V.W. Hu, N.H. Paulson, Y. Preger, D. Uwe-Sauer, K. Smith, S.W. Snyder, S. Sripad, T.R. Tanim, L. Teo, Principles of the Battery Data Genome, Joule, Vol. 6, Issue 10, pp. 2253-2271. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2022, T. Reshetenko, M. Odgaard, G. Randolf, K.K. Ohtaki, J.P. Bradley, B. Zulevi, X. Lyu, D.A. Cullen, C.J. Jafta, A. Serov, A. Kulikovsky, Design of PGM-free cathodic catalyst layers for advanced PEM fuel cells, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Vol. 312, Paper 121424.
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Perspective on Mechanistic Modeling of Li-Ion Batteries, Accounts of Materials Research, Vol. 3, Issue 8, pp. 843-853.
- 2022, S. Akula, M. Mooste, B. Zulevi, S. McKinney, A. Kikas, H-M. Piirsoo, M. Rähn, A. Tamm, V. Kisand, A. Serov, E.B. Creel, D.A. Cullen, K.C. Neyerlin, H. Wang, M. Odgaard, T. Reshetenko, K. Tammeveski, Mesoporous textured Fe-N-C electrocatalysts as highly efficient cathodes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 520, Paper 230819.
- 2021, T. Reshetenko, A. Kulikovsky, Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements of Ionomer Film Oxygen Transport Resistivity in Operating Low-Pt PEM Fuel Cell, Membranes, Vol. 11, Issue 12, Paper 985. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, M. Dubarry, M. Tun, G. Baure, M. Matsuura, R.E. Rocheleau, Battery Durability and Reliability under Electric Utility Grid Operations: Analysis of On-Site Reference Tests, Electronics, Vol. 10, Issue 13, Paper 1593. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, D. Beck, P. Dechent, M. Junker, D.U. Sauer, M. Dubarry, Inhomogeneities and Cell-to-Cell Variations in Lithium-Ion Batteries, a Review, Energies, Vol. 14, Issue 11, Paper 3276. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2021, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Analysis of Synthetic Voltage vs. Capacity Datasets for Big Data Li-ion Diagnosis and Prognosis, Energies, Vol. 14, Issue 9, Paper 2371. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Big data training data for artificial intelligence-based Li-ion diagnosis and prognosis, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 479, Paper 228806.
- 2020, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, D. Ansean, Perspective on State-of-Health Determination in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Vol. 17, Issue 4, Paper 041101. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, G. Baure, M. Dubarry, Battery durability and reliability under electric utility grid operations: 20-year forecast under different grid applications, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 29, Paper 101391.
- 2020, T. Reshetenko, V. Laue, U. Krewer, K. Artyushkova, Study of degradation and spatial performance of low Pt-loaded proton exchange membrane fuel cells under exposure to sulfur dioxide in an oxidant stream, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 458, Paper 228032.
- 2020, T. Reshetenko, G. Randolf, M. Odgaard, B. Zulevi, A. Serov, A. Kulikovsky, The Effect of Proton Conductivity of Fe–N–C–Based Cathode on PEM Fuel cell Performance, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 167, Issue 8, Paper 084501. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2020, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, Perspective on Commercial Li-ion Battery Testing, Best Practices for Simple and Effective Protocols, Electronics, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Paper 152. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, T. Reshetenko, A. Kulikovsky, Nafion film transport properties in a low-Pt PEM fuel cell: impedance spectroscopy study, RSC Advances, Vol. 9, Issue 66, pp. 38797-38806. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, T. Reshetenko, A. Kulikovsky, On the Origin of High Frequency Impedance Feature in a PEM Fuel Cell, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 166, Issue 15, pp. F1253-F1257. (Open Access: PDF)
- 2019, S. Schindler, G. Baure, M.A. Danzer, M. Dubarry, Kinetics accommodation in Li-ion mechanistic modeling, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 440, Paper 227117.
- 2019, T. Reshetenko, V. Laue, U. Krewer, K. Artyushkov, Poisoning effects of sulfur dioxide in an air stream on spatial proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 438, Paper 226949.
- 2019, T. Reshetenko, A. Serov, A. Kulikovsky, P. Atanassov, Impedance Spectroscopy Characterization of PEM Fuel Cells with Fe-N-C-Based Cathodes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 166, Issue 10, pp. F653-660. (Open Access: PDF)
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, N. Costa, D. Matthews, Big Data in Diagnostics Data-Driven Direct Diagnosis of PV Connected Batteries, Presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, San Diego, California, December 5-8.
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Mechanistic Li-Ion Battery Modeling, What’s Next?, Presented at the ECS MA2022-02 Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, October 9-13.
- 2022, M. Dubarry, Battery energy storage system modeling: A combined comprehensive approach, Presented at the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 17-21.
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Big Data for Lithium-Ion Battery Diagnosis and Prognosis, Poster presented at the Gordon Battery Conference, Ventura, California, June 5-10.
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Recent Advances in the Intercalation Battery Mechanistic Modeling Approach, Poster presented at the Gordon Battery Conference, Ventura, California, June 5-10.
- 2022, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Big Data for Li-Ion Battery Diagnosis and Prognosis, Presented at the Material Research Society Spring Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, May 8-13.
- 2022, M. Dubarry, G. Baure, Lithium Titanate Battery Durability and Reliability Under Electric Utility Grid Operations, Presented at the Material Research Society Spring Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, May 8-13.
- 2022, N. Sahin, J. Morton, M. Dubarry, Optimization of Prussian Blue Analogues for Na-Ion Desalination Batteries, Poster presented at the Material Research Society Spring Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, May 8-13.
- 2021, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Big Data for Li-Ion Battery Diagnosis and Prognosis, Presented at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, San Diego, California, December 7-9.
- 2021, T.A. Kingston, C.T Love, R.E. Carter, R.W. Atkinson III, M. Parmananda, M. Dubarry, C. Fear, P.P. Mukherjee, Altering the Degradation Mode in Li-ion Batteries Through Directional Application of an Interelectrode Thermal Gradient, Presented at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Held virtually, November 1-5.
- 2021, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, A New Insight into Blended Electrodes, Presented at the ECS MA2021-02 Meeting, Held virtually, October 10-14.
- 2021, R.E. Carter, T.A. Kingston, R.W Atkinson, M.l Parmananda, M. Dubarry, C. Fear, P.P. Mukherjee, C.T. Love, Electrode Specific Degradation Tailored By the Directionality of Thermal Gradients in Li-Ion Batteries, Presented at the ECS MA2021-02 Meeting, Held virtually, October 10-14, Abstract 276.
- 2021, N. Sahin, J. Morton, M. Dubarry, Optimization of Prussian Blue Analogues for Na-Ion Desalination Batteries, Presented at the ECS MA2021-02 Meeting, Held virtually, October 10-14, Abstract 240.
- 2021, M. Dubarry, D. Beck, Big Data for Li-Ion Diagnosis and Prognosis, Presented at the ECS MA2021-01 Meeting, Held virtually, May 30 – June 3.
- 2021, C.T. Love, R.E. Carter, T.A. Kingston, R. Atkinson III, M. Parmananda, M. Dubarry, C. Fear, P.P. Mukherjee, Directionality of Thermal Gradients in Li-Ion Batteries Dictates Diverging Failure Modes, Presented at the ECS MA2021-01 Meeting, Held virtually, May 30 – June 3, Abstract 201.
- 2021, M. Dubarry, Battery Durability and Reliability Under Electric Utility Grid Operations, Presented at the Alaska Energy Storage Workshop, January 12-13.
- 2020, J. Qi, Y. Zhai, J. St-Pierre, Synthesis of Transition Metal Carbide Catalysts for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, Presented at the ECS MA2020-02 Meeting, Held virtually, October 4-9, Abstract 220.
- 2019, T.V. Reshetenko, A. Serov, A. Kulikovsky, P. Atanassov, Comprehensive Characterization of PGM-Free PEM Fuel Cells Using AC and DC Methods, Presented at the ECS MA2019-02 Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, October 13-17, Abstract 1617.
- 2019, T.V. Reshetenko, B.L. Benn, Analysis of Mass Transport Phenomena in PEMFC Cathode Electrode: Effects of Operating Conditions, Presented at the ECS MA2019-02 Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, October 13-17, Abstract 1449.
Student Theses
- 2024, D. Beck, Synthetic Voltage Datasets for Artificial Intelligence-Based Li-Ion Diagnosis and Prognosis: Investigation of Three Different Blending Conditions, Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2024, C.J.A. Castillo, Factorial Investigation of Pressurized Slow Pyrolysis for Carbonization of Solid Waste, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, A. Fernando, Voltage Response Insights into Lithium-Ion Battery Diagnostic Techniques, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, J. Morton, Survey of Different Prussian Blue Analogues for Desalination Batteries, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2023, E. Bruffey III, Fabrication and performance testing of a forward osmosis water purification system and synthesis of boron containing nano-materials, Masters of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.
- 2021, J. Crunk, A Transparent Polymer with Electrically Conductive Particles for Solar Devices, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.