Hawai‘i Distributed Energy Resource Technologies for Energy Security (HiDER) Topical Reports

Hawai‘i Distributed Energy Resource Technologies for Energy Security (HiDER) Topical Reports hneieditor September 22, 2022

Task 1: Hawai‘i Analysis – Assessment of Electricity Infrastructure and Microgrid Applications

Task 3: Develop Public Policy/Outreach to Accelerate Acceptance of Distributed Energy Resource and Microgrid Applications

Task 4: The Hawai‘i Energy Road-Mapping Study – Project Implementation Plan

Task 5: Development of lnformation, Models, and Analyses for Characterizing the Future Electricity Grid on Maui

Task 6: Coordination and Support of DOE/OE R&D Initiatives

Task 7: Energy Modeling and Scenario Analysis

Task 8: Continued Research, Development and Validation of Critical Renewable DER, Microgrid and End-Use Energy-Efficient Technologies

Task 10: Energy Modeling and Scenario Analysis